Today I finally got my order of 4GB Memory Stick Pro DUO card.

This is the third one that I ordered from and eBay...

After I tried the card on my brand-new SONY T200/B, it happened again!!

The pictures stored in the card could not work well.

Some pictures seemed broken and dysfunctional........

My goodness....

I thought I was such a LUCKY guy to get the dysfunctional cards 3 times...

All of a sudden, I tried to load the card with Leon's card reader...

Terrible things happened..........

It was not the problems with those MS cards....

It's my card reader.....dysfunction....

4G MS Pro DUO card is not supported by my card reader..

This makes me guilty...

It means I have returned 2 functional cards back to the seller and have asked for refund.....

Honestly speaking...I really didn't mean it...



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